Alrighty, folks.
So, in the market research study I conducted by giving my blog post a suggestive and possibly sexual title, my views more than doubled.
Good to know you guys are all dirty minded mofos.
That's you being shamed.
But you know, if it ain't broke fix it. So I figured I'd try it again today.
I went to the doctor today for my hip--the right one, not the one I fractured before. I know, I'm 90, gimme a break--and he said he doesn't think it's a stress fracture!!! It's not nearly as bad as the other side was by the time I went in. And I've stopped running. So we caught that beeeeootch early. YES.
I was really worried I was gonna get that same chastising finger wag all you sickos just got when I walked in, but my doctor was pretty friggin cool about it. Still got x-rays (which showed nothing, as they usually can't see stress fractures with them) and I'm getting an MRI Saturday night (HOLLA!). Yeah. You might think the cool thing to do on a Saturday night is go hang out at a bar, or go to a friends apartment and play apples to apples, or order three pizzas and a burger and get a pint of ice cream and bake a cake and eat it ALL BY YOURSELF ... that just me??? No matter! I am here to clear all of that up for you, because in reality, the cool COOL thing to do is get an MRI. Just trust me on this one.
I mean, I might still do that last one afterwards. Although three pizzas seems a bit excessive, no? eh.
Ok. Not ACTUALLY my new best friend, BUT... It's really good.
This little diddy was a joint effort. Coconut chicken strips with mashed "potatoes" (cauliflower) and sauteed green beans. YUM!!!!
And after a delicious dinner (to the tune of Jim Gaffigan's stand-up, no less. Yeah. We know how to do it up classy here, folks). I made that french toast yumminess for desert!!! A good good night.
Of course it didn't stop me from snacking at 3am. A saltine? why yes, please! Reese's cup?? Well I just might...
But we won't talk about that. What happens at 3 am stays at... uhm... right. Whatever.
Time to focus on tonight's dinner! And how to spice up my evenings so I have more exciting things to report than mustard on my chicken and MRI's! Wish me luck!! guys look so cute! And so does the food!